You can make an amazing salon suite that is perfectly equipped with everything a beauty and wellness pro could want, it can be in the perfect location to generate tons of traffic and customers, and you can price it fairly for the value you offer, but one thing can keep it from being a successful rental.
Your brand identity is a key part of your success, and it can make or break your efforts even if you get everything else right. Today, we’re going to walk you through branding – why it matters and how you can enhance yours to get on the fast track to success.
Read on to learn the reasons why branding in salon suite franchising shouldn’t be overlooked.
Importance of Branding for Salon Suites
Branding, or your brand identity, is the overall presentation of your business. Think of it as if your business was a person. Brand identity would be its personality and reputation for having that personality. Branding gives your business a sense of liveliness, making it feel like something more.
Let us elaborate.
You have a great suite, and beauty and wellness specialists need suites to work from. So, why does a brand identity even matter? You’re meeting their needs, right?
Well, there are a few reasons for this.
First, you’re not the only option. There are plenty of other individuals renting out salon suites, and they might offer a better deal. Even if they don’t, they might look like it on paper, or the potential renter might have a reference that they trust.
Then, there’s the fact that modern consumers don’t want to hand their money over to just anyone. They want to support businesses that share their values or otherwise have an attractive personality.
While brand identity and alignment can’t win over everyone, it will help win over the people your company is most compatible with.
The Benefits of Branding When Franchising Salon Suites
We talked about a few things that could be considered benefits of branding already, but it’s much more in-depth than that.
Here are some key benefits you can expect to experience once you focus on building a branding identity.
1: Highlight Your Franchise’s Strengths and Entice Beauty Pros and Wellness Pros to Buy In
First and foremost, your brand identity will highlight the strengths of your brand.
Maybe you offer a better pricing and leasing model than the rest of the industry, or you focus strictly on the best management support or you’re located in a coveted territory. Maybe you even provide free websites to help beginners grow their clientele and get their business started without the hassle of trying to set up their own website.

Whatever your company’s main selling point is, your branding will help get that across in multiple ways, and potential renters will know whether or not you’re offering what they need.
This also differentiates your business from the competition, because it shows what you offer and what they don’t.
2: Brand Alignment
Like we said earlier, customers of all types want to know they’re putting their money with companies that align with their values and what they want to support. Your brand identity can help you stand out from others by aligning with some of those values.
For example, maybe you focus on eco-friendly setups for your salon suites. You use energy-saving lights, offer recycling of salon waste (hair dyes and products), eco-friendly AC, low-pressure water systems in systems that aren’t crucial for water pressure, etc. These things can help you stand out to beauty and wellness pros who value that.
Also, maybe you value helping new suite owners with a strong startup by helping with business licenses, marketing support and more. Perhaps you offer lower rates, flexible leasing options or different perks that make renting your suites more accessible to those who don’t yet have a strong book of business. On the flip side, maybe you want to solely target the best of the best. Your brand identity can showcase the salon culture and won’t settle for anything less, while resonating with only superstar beauty and wellness professionals would be attracted to.
Whatever your company’s values or goals are, they’re a part of your brand identity, and they help you stand out to the right renters.
3: Consistency Shows Professionalism and Authority
Having a strong brand identity immediately builds consistency across your brand. It’s essentially a guideline for how you operate, and that does two things.First, a consistent brand looks far more professional than a brand that is all over the place. Inconsistencies in colors, logos and fonts will confuse both prospective tenants and existing suite owners. With strong brand consistency, people will come to know that they can trust you when they buy into your brand.

Second, it helps build your brand as an authority in the industry. If you’re consistent, you show that you know what you’re doing. They start to see you as an authority, and they see you as someone they can turn to, trust your judgment, etc.
4: More Marketing Power
Build marketing equity in your brand to power it for long-term success by developing a comprehensive identity that significantly enhances your marketing efforts. Instead of simply saying, “Here’s a salon suite for rent,” you can authentically market your values, goals, strengths, and more in a way that people trust. In today’s time, marketing is at the core of any company’s success.
5: Build Loyalty
Think about if you were renting an apartment. You could have a landlord you never see and is essentially just an account you deposit money into every month, or you could have a landlord who is a real person.
You consistently see them, they learn about your family, they offer you things that other landlords can’t, and you feel comfortable with them. You don’t want to move the second a better deal pops up.
The same is true for your potential salon suite renters. When you build strong relationships, offer world-class support… you have a brand identity, they develop a sense of loyalty to you, and even if they find something cheaper, they don’t just jump ship. They understand the deeper aspects and stay. Retention and brand loyalty are two key factors in success.
Building a Brand Identity for Your Salon Suite
If you want to yield the benefits of branding in salon franchising, you need professionals who are experienced with the process to ensure you do it right. You don’t get a bunch of do-overs.
For that, contact Slick Marketers, and we’ll get your franchise on the path to success.
We are a franchise marketing agency that specializes in salon suite marketing. Some of our services include social media, Google Ads, email marketing, and more.
We are looking forward to boosting your brand to new heights!